Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Learning From Mistakes

I made a mistake. When I set up this blog I didn't check the comment settings. It honestly never occurred to me. Well, last week during our free book giveaway I discovered the problem when I realized that a hundred people had looked at the blog, but not one of them had posted a comment for our contest! The two devoted fans who jumped through the hoops and hurdles in order to get their comments posted should be lauded. Still, I don't intend to make it so difficult to participate in our giveaways, or any other discussion for that matter. If you were one of the many trying to comment for your chance to win Into the Flames, by Jessie Sanders, I'm sorry. You can still find it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Learning from mistakes like this one, I've decided to move our contest announcements to Wednesday. Each week I hope to introduce to you a fabulous new book from an indie author. Last week I told you about TEEN Agents in the Plundered Parent Protocol. Well, on Friday we will get to hear from the author, Joshua Unruh, as he shares some of the inspiration he's carried from childhood into his books. He has graciously offered to share a free copy with one of our lucky readers!

So, leave a comment below for your chance to win and then be a good friend and share the link. We make it easy for you. Just click one of the buttons below to share it on your favorite social site. Then, come back Friday and see what the author has to say. We'll announce the winners this weekend, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. If you are having trouble leaving a comment, please email me at and describe what part of the comment process was difficult. I'm trying to find a solution. Thank you!
