Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let's Get Started

Hi!  I am very excited (and a little nervous) to start this new blog.  The idea has been rolling around in my head for quite a while and suddenly tonight seemed like the time to get started on this project.  Let me tell you why.

Every fall I lead an awesome group of kids through an adventure we call NaNoWriMo.  That stands for National Novel Writing Month.  Our goal is to write an entire book in a month.  Each of us bold, daring, young writers (well, the kids are young, but I'm good at pretending!) start out in October getting ready for this wild and crazy adventure.  We practice.  We brainstorm.  We act silly and talk too much.  Then, suddenly it's November 1st and we start writing.  Something amazing happens after that... we write a book!  Isn't that wild?

What does all of this have to do with a blog in March?  Not much, really, except that I've been missing that writing group an awful lot and thinking about all of the fun things I would like to teach them this year in our pre-nanowrimo writing time.  The more I thought about it, the more I thought, "Hey, I wonder if there are any other people out there who might like to have some fun writing, too."  That's where it all started.

Well, there is this one other thing, too.  Perhaps I should go ahead and mention it here just to be upfront with you.  Remember how I said we write books during Nanowrimo?  Well, I write books, too, not just the kids.  So, now I have three finished (or in various stages of finished, but we'll get to that later.)  I have been learning an awful lot about how to write properly, how to edit, how to format, how to start writing again, etc.  It's been amazing and another kind of adventure entirely.  I thought a blog might be just the sort of place to keep notes on what I learn, what I'm working on next, and maybe even someday... what I published!

If any of that sounds interesting, please come back and visit again real soon.  I would love to hear from you.  What did you come here looking for in a blog post?  What are you hoping to learn?

Gotta Write,

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